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Bugaboo Posts Stroller Ad Featuring a Model Jogging in a Bikini, Gets Onslaught of Mockery From Moms

Bugaboo Ad 
First of all, i would like to state that i honestly believe that there is no "right look" for a mom. They can be buff, soft, skinny, curvy, weight-lifters, gardeners, walkers, bikers, scrapbookers…anything! Moms rule and if you are raising a child or several children, i salute you.
That being said, why did a stroller company decide that a model that is jogging in what is basically a very revealing bathing suit would best relate to moms? Yes, marathon-runners wear this, but this isn't a ad for a marathon clothing company. It's for strollers.
Bugaboo, the company of the rich and famous or anyone who wants to drop over $1,000 for a stroller, has released a new ad featuring supermodel Ymre Stiekema. The stroller company was showing off their Bugaboo Runner, which is their choice model for moms who like to run with their kids during stroller outings.
The problem with the ad, however, is that this incredibly gorgeous and ridiculously lithe woman is wearing almost nothing. Don't get us wrong, she looks incredible and she is also a mom to a 2-year-old so she knows what it means to be a parent. But unsurprisingly, the ad did not strike a chord with moms when it was posted to the company's Facebook page. Well, it did strike a chord, but probably not the kind Bugaboo wanted.
 These are actual comments from real moms underneath the ad, and i think they are both spot-on and hilariou.

•"I often also jog in a bikini."
•"I [would] need a half roll of [duct] tape for jiggle maintenance."
•"I prefer running naked with my children."
•"I have 2 children and if I was running in this...it would be because I'd forgotten to put my clothes on because we're late for school, my 5 year old had fallen off his scooter, my 2 year old refuses to put his shoes on and there's a good chance I haven't had the time to do my bikini line."
•"[Jogging] with no changing bag, she hasn't thought this through! Newbie."
•"That top cannot be supporting anything, there is nothing to it!"
•"You're in luck I just got the Victoria's Secret catalog in the mail with lots of sale and clearance swim suits for us all to pick out the perfect suit to go on our runs with our new strollers."
Needless to say, moms who are not international supermodels were not into the ad. And again, the backlash isn't really due to the fact that the model is incredibly in shape, but more for the choice of her running ensemble and how this photo just doesn't really appeal to the masses.
The company released a statement regarding the negative reaction, explaining their choice to feature Stiekema in a jogging bikini. (Is a jogging bikini a thing?)
"We designed our Bugaboo Runner jogging extension with active parents in mind," a spokesperson told TODAY. "We want to inspire moms and dads everywhere to explore the world with their families, while keeping up with an active and healthy lifestyle. In addition to Ymre Stiekema—a mom who enjoys running and happens to be a model—our marketing initiatives feature parents who love running, including our own staff at Bugaboo, providing their experiences with their children and the Bugaboo Runner. We believe that all parents should run free no matter where they are on their fitness journeys and what they choose to wear on their runs."
So moms and dads: what do you think of this ad?

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