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Another rant about Suri Cruise.....

I have a real hatred of Suri Cruise.

I am sure she is a wonderful person with a great personality for her age but I just can't bring myself to like her.  I think its got something to do with the bags of designer goodies she gets showered with - for free  - even though she can afford it. Sigh.

I almost feel sorry for her in a way because she has to grow up in this fishbowl world where people care what she wears to school. I feel even more sorry for those who care what she wears to school though.  In this day and age as well, it is important to note that it is not the fault of paps that her face appears in the paper at that age - the parents have to give their permission for that to happen.

But today I saw something that seriously got me riled up. Instyle magazine's list of the Top Ten stylist women of 2012 and sure enough, there was Suri Cruise at number nine. Why!??!?! I understand the other (better) choices of Florence Welch, Victoria Beckham and Carey Mulligan but seriously, Suri Cruise in the Top Ten!??!?!


Apart from the inclusion into the list, the article also raved about how she 'knows her fashion' - please! the bitch is nine! Come on! How many of us were being dressed by our parents at the age of nine? How many of us had the budget that Suri does? And how many of us have access to the designer world?

I live in fear of when this child reaches eighteen. She's either going to become the modern version of Saffy from Ab Fab or she's going to become the new Paris Hilton on steroids. I am telling you now that the first moment that child steps foot from a limo into a nightclub, HEAT magazine will be there to tell you all about her break down. Sad but true. In the meantime however, lets please not encourage the death of someone's childhood.....

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