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That Nashville Sound Hosts Charity Bid Contest With Gloriana

Between now and August 9th, That Nashville Sound will be doing a fundraiser in conjunction with the new music group, Gloriana, for W.O. Smith- A Nashville Community Music School. Send me a blind auction bid for an autographed CD of their brand new album and a t-shirt in your size at thatnashvillesound (at) hotmail.com. The high bid will win the goods. 100% of the proceeds will go to the charity.

The W.O. Smith/Nashville Community Music School, founded in 1984, is a nonprofit educational institution created for the purpose of making quality music instruction available to talented, interested, deserving children from low income families at the nominal fee of 50 cents a lesson. The school also seeks to encourage student participation in the cultural life of the community through concert attendance and performance.

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