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5 Post Workout Foods You Should Add To Your Six Pack Abs Diet

Many exercise experts advocate the use of a post-workout meal to enhance the benefits of your work out and this is essential for a six pack abs diet. Many people grab a sports drink or candy bar, thinking that a quick blast of carbs is all they need for recovery. This information couldn't be be more incorrect if it wanted to. Post-workout food prep is not rocket science, but not using the correct nutrients to refuel after a workout makes it harder to have a successful six pack abs diet.

There are a multitude of "health" supplement products marketed in a way that would make you assume they make getting a six pack easier. They suggest that you'll get ripped and look like the people who advertise (advertise is the keyword in that statement) their products. Most of these supplements are extremely expensive, and if you are not into competitive bodybuilding, way too calorie-laden to be of much help for your six pack abs diet. In addition to expense, they can be a real pain to measure, mix, and carry on a day to day basis. Not too many people I know carry shaker cups, huge cans of whey powder, glucose powder and assorted other ingredients to the gym or to work. The few people I know that actually do this are competition-level athletes, and it is part of their job.

First of all, yes, you do need carbohydrates, but you also need some protein as well. Both of these ingredients work with each other to speed muscle recovery and reload you for the rest of your day. The post-workout meal for your six pack abs diet should be easy to prepare, easy to consume, and not cost a fortune to buy.

Top Re-Load Foods for a Six Pack Abs Diet

1. Apples: a medium sized apple has about 45 calories in it which will not come close to messing up a diet. An apple also provides both carbohydrates and fiber which will give you the sugar boost you need post-workout and help your hungry feel satisfied.

2. Peanut butter: while somewhat high in calories, 1 Tablespoon of regular peanut butter will provide 4 grams of protein and only 98 calories to your six pack abs diet. Oddly, the 'no-sugar' variety seems to have more calories than regular, so don't waste your money on it.

3. Yogurt with fruit: According to my palate, this is the perfect end to a workout. I personally eat Chobani Greek yogurt (Black Cherry). A six oz cup has 140 calories, no fat, and 14 grams of protein. Yogurt is easily digestible and goes to work quickly to replenish your body with needed fuel to get you through to your next meal. Any brand of no-fat yogurt is good, check the labeling for nutritional information as they will all have varying nutritional profiles. What could be better? I would go with the fact that there's no preparation involved and all you need is a spoon.

4. Celery and Hummus: Hummus is both delicious and packed with protein and carbohydrates. Pair your favorite brand of hummus with celery for a crunchy and filling snack.

5. If you don't have any other options, a lower calorie version of a bottled protein shake is decent. Prepare to spend anywhere up to $3.00.bottle for it. Check to make sure that it comes in under 200 calories for your six pack abs diet. One thing you need to be aware of with protein shakes is that you get what you pay for regarding the type of protein used, added amino acids, and the nutritional profile.

Some trainers have advocated the first half hour of post workout time as the perfect time to indulge in usually off-limit type foods such as starches. You probably could get away with a candy bar or something similar in the short run, but for a real six pack abs diet to work, you need to instead chose better and healthier foods for long-term results.

Over the years I have accumulated a list of the absolutely most informative and helpful diet books out there. Click to see what I consider to be what the 10 best diet books that I recommend my clients read. Additionally, do yourself the favor of checking out some amazing superfoods you should add to your six pack abs diet. Something that should get you excited is that they are all under 50 calories!

Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert

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