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The problem with ventriloquist's dummies is the puppet itself.  You never see a ventriloquist's dummy with a pleasant personality.  The ventriloquist's dummy is either a jerk, an asshole or neurotic.  I don't know what is it about ventriloquist's dummies that makes that particular form of puppet so difficult to work with.  However, some people are only able to express themselves with ventriloquist's dummy or alternative form of puppet.  I'm not saying that ventriloquist's dummies and puppets should never be allowed.  Quite the opposite, I enjoy ventriloquist's dummy shows just as much as I enjoy puppet shows.  However, it would be nice if the puppet operator is the person who's offbeat and wild while the vintriloquist's dummy is the straight person of the duet.  I won't be able to psychoanalyze such a person.  For starters, I only have a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology.  Also, because the need to express in puppets instead of actual conversation continues to escape my understanding.  So pull up a chair and enjoy another episode of the Muppet Show.  Children entertainment is much brighter with that show in existance.  Yes, I know there are less ventriloqueist's dummies and more hand puppets, but it's still a fantastic source of entertainment.

While I'm researching puppets and ventriloquist's dummies, here are some photos of film and television actress Rachel Bilson.

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