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An English Rose

photo Britta

My beautiful lovely scented rose, "Gertrude Jekyll" is blooming on my balcony - I am so happy! 
My young student friend Gvantsa said dreamily: "That way our roses in Georgia (Europe) smell."

This rose needs no explanation. For her it is true what Getrude Stein wrote. 

                                         "Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose.

photo Britta 

Did you know that in the genome of a rose exists a gen that decides how many petals the bloom will have?
It is called LG3. If you deactivate this gen the bloom becomes as thick as the bloom of a peony - the absolute record in rose-petals, I read in the German newspaper WamS, reached a rose with deactivated LG3 with 517 petals!
In the EU it is forbidden to use GM technology - even in ornamental-plant-selective breeding.

Good so - Gertrude Jekyll, the stern Victorian gardener, might have said.

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