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Four New Hens and gardening

The four new hens are doing well. This time I'm actually doing it right. First, they were set, still in their large cage, beside the chicken run, so everyone could see each other.

Cue the music , "Getting to Knoooowww You, Getting to know all about you..."  Then super high tech feeding and watering stations were installed in the cage (empty plastic tubs with holes cut in them so they could be wired into the corners).

After a little while, the cage was moved into the run for closer inspection.

That's almost-bald Lacey checking them out. She was the unfortunate favourite of the two big roosters.

Here's a close up.

They are good looking birds and are even a bit bigger than our three that we've had for several months now. Nobody has laid an egg yet, but I'm not too worried about that.

Last night, the cage was carried into the coop and everyone shared accommodations. This morning, the cage came back outside, shaded now that it is actually a sunny day. I think by tomorrow, everyone will be well introduced and I can let them out of the cage to roam around.

Ooops, I hit publish and realized I hadn't written about the gardening part. I've been in my vegetable garden today. It is shamefully covered in weeds and grass. Bit by bit I am getting rid of unwanted greenery. I am alternating between standing and bending over, kneeling on a pad, and sitting on a little stool. That helps my lower back from seizing up too badly. Next, I am taking a break from that to tackle the scary barbecue that is messy from last fall and has disintegrating parts. I really want to put some meat on the grill tonight for supper, so a clean up and possibly a part replacement is in order.

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