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There’s a new kid on the block

Look who has arrived.  It’s Alyssa Ivy weighing in at 6lb 9oz and is just beautiful.  Mum Emma and baby are both doing well and thank you for everyone’s good wishes last week.

Now back to the desk.
There’s a new book that I’ve lost myself in for several hours already.  The Myrtles are a group of textile artists  who have given us a look at their lives and homes in Cornwall.  

There’s some antique quilt pieces that I may just sit and look at.  I should have a box labelled  “My box of stuff to Sit & Admire ”.  I’d have no problems filling it that’s for sure.

This was a little blouse I paid 10p for in the charity shop then cut up and stitched on.  At some point I will get round to framing it.

Sorry if I didn’t get round to your desk last week I was busy pacing the floor waiting for Alyssa Ivy to put in an appearance.

Linking upto 

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