Hi all, and welcome to our blog.
After an enormously successful first group hobby project we've decided to set up this blog to chronicle our painting and gaming - a collective hobby-diary of sorts.
As a group we plan on doing "Tale of Four Gamers" style projects - We'll each build and paint models over 3-6 months working towards a specific project goal (usually a gaming event or a set points limits). After each project we will have a short break (probably!) before starting the next one with a new event as the goal.
Every month we'll each provide an update of our progress, with the occasional interim post for those that are super keen.
In addition to the group project we'll all be working on personal projects which we'll chronicle and share here too.
We've all found the blog format to be a great motivator, and hope to continue to use it to push us to more success.
And as much as this blog exists to motivate us, we're also writing it for you. Wargaming and modelling is, at it's heart, a community-driven hobby and we're keen to not only show off our progress but take comments on how we're doing and points for improvement, and to encourage others to follow in our footsteps.
We hope that you find our posts interesting and enjoyable, and look forward to engaging with you in the comments 😀
Let the painting begin!
Neil, Medge, James and Tim
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