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US Towed Tank Destroyers

Hello All

Today I bring you the fifth platoon for Colours 2013 painting challenge. I choose to do the Towed Tank Destroyers to get one of the two remaining large platoons out of the way (the other being the second infantry platoon).
I'm hoping this platoon will be one of the start units of my army. With four 3" Guns and four bazookas this platoon has a large template and should be able to hold off most assault from armoured platoons.
When I started this platoon I was worried it was going to take a long time, but as I started painting them I was surprised how quick the platoon was to paint. I pretty happy with the results, I'm now looking forward to getting them on the gaming table.
Gun Teams
M5 3" gun (late)Immobile32"/80cm2133+Gun shield.
Infantry Teams
Bazooka team8"/20cm1105+Tank assault 4.
Next up I have the 105mm artillery, once they are done I only have two small platoons (Anti Tank Guns and Jeep Recon) and the second infantry platoon to go and I'm finished. I'm hoping to get all the platoons painted before the 2nd September so I can get a few practice games in and so i can crack on with my next US project a 7th Armoured company which will hopefully be a quick project to paint up.
Anyway thanks for reading and until next time


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